"Loosely based around the Oor Wullie cartoon character, The film captures not only the young local characters of the day but also views of the streets including Niddrie, Craigmillar, Greendykes, Bingham and Portobello Beach. The animation sequence was reminiscent of some Monty Python stuff and I think its brilliant. Filled with Space Hoppers, flared troosers, long hair & stairs with no doors this is truly a film of the 70s. If you were a kid in Niddrie and Craigmillar in the 70s maybe you recognise some of the stars of this film or maybe even yourself. And no, I dont know what its about but I still love it.
Many thanks to Heather Henderson for letting me have a copy this film." (My dad was involved the making of this film, employed as an arts and community youth worker. The film features my sister on a space hopper who also sang the little song at the end and our dog lurch in the first scene! )
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Leila Houston
Leila Houston (London, 1977) is a visual artist whose work investigates the social, political and historical aspects of a place. Categories |